Tuesday, 25 June 2013

part 2 :- Silly Dog Jokes by famous dog trainer Mr. Wesley Laird

Puppy Training Melbourne
1.       When does a dog go "moo"? When it is learning a new language!

2.       Why didn't the dog speak to his foot? Because it's not polite to talk back to your paw!

3.       How many hairs are in a dog's tail? None. They are all on the outside.

4.       How did the dog make anti-freeze? He stole her blanket.

5.       Which dog eats with its tail? All dogs keep their tails on when eating.

6.       What happened to the dog that ate nothing but garlic? His bark was much worse than it's bite!

7.       What did the hungry Dalmatian say when he had a meal? That hit the spots!

8.       What is a dog's favourite food? Anything that is on your plate!

9.       Why is it called a "litter" of puppies? Because they mess up the whole house!

10.   What do you get if you cross a sheepdog with a jelly? The collie wobbles!

11.   When is a black dog not a black dog? When it's a greyhound!

12.   What happens to a dog that keeps eating bits off of the table? He gets splinters in his mouth!

13.   What do you get if you cross a dog with a kangaroo? A dog that has somewhere to put its own lead!

14.   What do you get if you cross a dog with a frog? A dog that can lick you from the other side of the yard!

15.   What do you call a dog with no legs? It doesn't matter what you call him, he still won't come!

16.   Why do dogs run in circles? Because its hard to run in squares!

17.   What dog always gets on everyone's nerves? A great pane!

18.   What kind of dog is the smartest? A great brain!

19.   How did the little Scottish dog feel when he saw a monster? Terrier-fied!

20.   What is a collie puppy's favorite toy? A chew-chew train!

21.   What is the best kind of dog to ask for directions? A Chihuahua, because it knows all the shortcuts!

22.   What do you do when a Chihuahua sneezes? Get a small hankie!

23.   What kind of pants do you buy for your pet Chihuahua? Shorts!

24.   Why are Chihuahuas such good bedtime storytellers? They have short tails!

25.   What kind of leash should you buy for a Chihuahua? A short one!

26.   What is a Chihuahua's favorite sport? Miniature golf!

27.   What do you call a boring dog? A dull-motion!

28.   Why was the mother flea so unhappy? All her children had gone to the dogs.

29.   Why does ad dog scratch himself? He is the only one that knows where it itches.

30.   Which dog looks like a cat? A police dog in disguise.


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