Q: How do you get a dog to stop barking in the back seat of a car? - A: Put him in the front seat.
Q. What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper? A. "Rough rough".
Q. Why is a dog scared of a fire? A.It doesn't want to become a hot dog.
brings it to me. Second woman: I know. First one: How? Second one: My dog told me.
Why did the dog jump into the sea? He wanted to chase the catfish!
What would you get if you crossed a chicken with a dog? A hen that lays pooched eggs.
What is the difference between Father Christmas and a warm dog? Father Christmas wears a whole suit, a dog just pants!
What kind of modelling clay does a dog use? Fi-Do!
Why did the dog cross the road? - A: Because it was the chickens day off.
Why does a dog wag it's tail? - A: No one else will do it for them.
When is a strange dog most likely to go into your house? - A: When the door is open.
What do you say to a dog before he eats? - A: Bone appetite!
Which side of the dog has the most fur? - A: The Outside.
What goes "krab, krab, krab"? - A: A dog barking in a mirror.
What do you call a happy Lassie? A jolly collie!
What do you call a nutty dog in Australia? A dingo-ling!
What kind of dog sniffs out new flowers? A bud hound!
What is the dogs favorite city? New Yorkie!
More Details:- http://www.inhomedogtraining.com.au
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