Wesley Laird is an Australian dog behavioral specialist who has been training dogs for over 30 years, with a particular skill in dog behavior and training. His self taught technique is based on child psychology and dog’s natural instincts. His lifetime in dog training has seen him train dogs for television, attack, image, and private in home training among other roles.
Wesley graduated from the Career School of Dog Trainers in Long Beach, California, in 1978, with honors. He also studied child psychology at California State University Los Angeles, and Pasadena in Southern California. Wesley has trained police dogs for county sheriffs in Nevada, worked with sled dogs in Fairbanks Alaska, Guild dogs for the blind in California, and taught hundreds of dog owners to train their own dogs.
In 1998, Mark Savage directed a film written by Wesley Laird titled "How to be your dog's best friend." This film is an educational film introducing Wesley Laird's method of training, featuring Wesley Laird training multiple untrained dogs.
In Home Dog Training
After graduating from the Careers School of Dog Training, Wesley Laird became a member of the In Home Dog Training group in Southern California. He then moved to Las Vegas to work for Silver State Canine, a dog training organization in Nevada. He started In Home Dog Training independently in 1982 in aims to help people how to train their dogs from any troublesome or vicious problems the dog may have. Wesley Laird moved the In Home Dog Training business to Melbourne after immigrating to Australia in 1995 and is still operating.
Dogs Only
Dogs Only Animal Acting is a dog acting agency by Wesley Laird which puts the use of dogs in the media industry. Dogs Only has sourced and trained dogs for numerous films, television series and advertisements.
Dog Training In Melbourne
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
part 2 :- Silly Dog Jokes by famous dog trainer Mr. Wesley Laird
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Part 1 :Some Silly and Hilarious Dog Jokes
Q: How do you get a dog to stop barking in the back seat of a car? - A: Put him in the front seat.
Q. What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper? A. "Rough rough".
Q. Why is a dog scared of a fire? A.It doesn't want to become a hot dog.
brings it to me. Second woman: I know. First one: How? Second one: My dog told me.
Why did the dog jump into the sea? He wanted to chase the catfish!
What would you get if you crossed a chicken with a dog? A hen that lays pooched eggs.
What is the difference between Father Christmas and a warm dog? Father Christmas wears a whole suit, a dog just pants!
What kind of modelling clay does a dog use? Fi-Do!
Why did the dog cross the road? - A: Because it was the chickens day off.
Why does a dog wag it's tail? - A: No one else will do it for them.
When is a strange dog most likely to go into your house? - A: When the door is open.
What do you say to a dog before he eats? - A: Bone appetite!
Which side of the dog has the most fur? - A: The Outside.
What goes "krab, krab, krab"? - A: A dog barking in a mirror.
What do you call a happy Lassie? A jolly collie!
What do you call a nutty dog in Australia? A dingo-ling!
What kind of dog sniffs out new flowers? A bud hound!
What is the dogs favorite city? New Yorkie!
More Details:- http://www.inhomedogtraining.com.au
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Monday, 17 June 2013
Consistency is most important in letting the dog know what pleases and displeases you. Everyone that lives with the dog must be consistent. We want the dog to know exactly what is expected without any confusion.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Dog Obedience Training?

Obedience training should more than teaching a few commands to your brand-new puppy. Dogs can be trained in obedience and not be obedient. They can be very good in a group class at a park, or off territory, and do as they want at home.
Respect: The most crucial purpose to use dog obedience training is for respect for you, your dog, and others. Solutions when quick obedience can keep your pet's life. For example, when crossing the street your puppy needs to stop straight away whenever you provide the command if you have oncoming traffic.
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Dog Training In Melbourne
Why do some dog owners have animals which are perfectly behaved? They come when called, stay when told to, others have bad manners or extreme behavior problems. Can there be some secret that everyone isn't aware of?
You can now learn the secrets to canine training. It could be anything from housebreaking to advanced commands that you want your dog to learn. It does not require months of taking your dog to a park group training class to learn everything you need it to understand how to get a well-behaved dog.
Techniques for “Proper” dog training habits, by dog expert Wesley Laird, teaches owners how train their dogs. His methods work faster and better than any other, teaching more in one session than most teach over months.
Problem Behaviour; Does your dog run in or out every time the door opens? Does your dog bark the whole time he's outside? Perhaps he jumps on you and/or your furniture or guests. There are lots of behaviours that dog homeowners experience and want to change. Do you think your dog is too old to change? Many people believe you can't teach an old dog. Working with any age and any breed, Wesley can teach any owner how to get more respect and enjoyment from their dog.
Deserve to be your dog’s best friend. Learn how to communicate with your dog and be the pack leader. A dog’s strongest drive is to please their pack leader. The Greatest Gift you can give your dog is training and be a good and consistent pack leader.
Never hit your dog. Not with your hand, not with your foot, not a rolled up newspaper, not with anything. Even a little flick on the nose saying “No” or “Bad” is a hit. Never hit! Touching and patting your dog should always be a good thing. We want them to have good positive associations with our touch. If you hit a dog when it is bad and pat it when it is good, you are sending mixed signals with your touch, sometimes good, sometimes bad. We want the dog to know if it sees our hand coming towards it that there is love and positive touch behind it.
Wesley always teaches to focus twice as much on positive and always give the dog the chance to earn praise after being told off for anything. How they earn the praise teaches them what they have done wrong. Always taking great measures to show the dog we are not mad at him but what he did.
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