Monday, 14 April 2014

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Dog

The greatest gift you can give your dog is training. A dog’s strongest drive is to follow, or please their pack leader. Dogs are pack animals in the wild they lived in packs. This is how dogs were domesticated in the first place. A dog needs to see his owner as his pack leader. Naturally dogs want to establish a hierarchy or pecking order within the pack. If you do not show your dog, very clearly, that you are a good consistent pack leader it can be very confusing for him. Even worst he may get the idea he would be a better leader than you.    Consistency is most important in letting the dog know what pleases and displeases you. We want the dog to know exactly what is expected without any confusion.

Positive focused obedience dog training is the best way to get, and maintain, the needed respect for owner as pack leader. This does not mean giving your dog a treat to get him to do things or making him sit before you feed him. You want your dog to know his actions please or displease you. You need him to work to earn your praise and avoid your “No”, focussing at least twice as much on the praise and approval. Really for every time you tell him “No” you need to give him the chance to earn two or three “Good Boy”s.

Most, if not all, of a dogs’ behavioural problems can be controlled using the respect gained through obedience training. This does not mean all of your dog’s problems magically go away when you start training. But the higher you take your respect the easier it is to show your dog which of his actions please or displease you. When the worst thing in his life is your “No” and he knows how to avoid it, he is happy, you are happy. It is a win win all around.

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