Monday, 28 October 2013

When is it best to start puppy training?

In Home Dog Training Melbourne

When is the right time to start training a puppy? Puppies seem to mature at different rates making it hard for many people to know when the most useful time is to start a training regimen. House training, or potty training, should begin as new puppy into your home. Keeping this positive and anticipating when your puppy needs to relieve itself. Praising highly when he goes where you want him to. I always tell people to avoid the word “No” with their new puppies for the first week to ten days that it comes home. Just spoil and pamper a new puppy focusing on bonding before anything else. Most people think they should just let a puppy cry, they believe if they go to a cry puppy it will make it a cry baby dog. This is not true that first week. Again bonding with you is the most important first step.

Crate training, keeping the puppy in a small area or crate, can be a very helpful tool in the house/toilet training procedure. Dog were den dwellers in the wild. Their denning instinct tells them not to relieve themselves where they sleep. If you keep your puppy in a crate at sleeping time he will learn to hold it until you let him out. First thing in the morning, or when he demands to go out, take him to where you want him to go and praise highly when he does. It is also a go time to key him by saying “hurry up, toilet, or do potty” anything you want him to associate with going so later you can ask him to go.  

After your puppy has settled into his new home, you can start teaching basic commands and work on socialization. The more friendly experiences we can set up with him the better for socializing. And it is best not to repeat commands from the very beginning. All commands should be given once and in your normal speaking voice. Never repeat and never yell. Never ever hit, not with anything ever, for any reason. 

Get him used to a lead. Just let him drag it around at first or lead him to his food. Many dogs don’t like the lead at first, they want to fight it. If you take it off because he fights it, he will fight it to get you to take it off. Put it on and off a lot, at play times, meal times, or just for fun. Do not make him feel restricted by it. Never leave it on if you are not going to be right with him.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Private Service Dog Training

When the time comes to train a dog there are almost as many schools of thought of dog training as there are breeds of dog. Very common for people to think weekly group sessions focused on basic obedience is the best way to go, it is the most common and many people get good results and enjoyment taking their dogs to these group type trainings. Other people send their dog away to have someone else train it for them and this can be beneficial for someone who has no time for their dog at all. But really if someone has no time for their dog, they should not have a dog at all? The best way to learn to train your dog is through a private service dog training that comes to you and teaches you how to train your dog at home, on the dog’s territory.

A Tighter Emotional Bond

Be mindful utilizing both positive and negative reinforcement consistanctly the wrong way can prompt exceptionally troublesome conduct. It's generally best to consult with a qualified dog trainer or behavioual specialist.

Obviously there are more than enough old fashioned dog coaches who say that the old systems are indeed the best and that impulse training is one of the most ideal approaches to prepare a dog. There are numerous actualizes access to these old school dog mentors that they have a tendency to use to hold their dog under control incorporate such things as the stun neckline and the stifle chain. These are seen as being cold blooded by those individuals who push the prize and commend technique yet seen as a fundamental apparatus by those dog coaches who lean toward the more strict strategy for dog training.

There are many people that don’t think they need to train their dogs, that it just happens automatically and with many dogs this may be true. But even those dogs could be even better once trained. The communication and bond between a knowledgable master and well trained canine is fantastic.

Monday, 14 October 2013

A Trained Dog Is A Happy Dog

What is Dog Obedience Training?

Dog obedience training is a lot more than teaching several instructions to your new puppy. It’s teaching the owner what to do consistently, and be a good consistent pack leader of their dog.
The most crucial purpose of dog obedience training is peace of mind. Knowing that your dog will obey your commands instantly whether that be to protect you or your dog from danger or simply knowing your dog will be obedient with strangers, family and children.

For a dog to be considered obedient rather than simply trained in obedience, it must respond reliably each time its handler gives a command. Dogs may be trained in obedience and not be obedient.

Obedience training is often a prerequisite for or component of other training. Many dog owners only train their dogs to do the basics. This is usually, toilet training, sitting and laying down.

Many people reward their dogs with a treat but this is not always a good choice. Dogs should be trained to respect you and obey commands simply because you are the leader of their pack.

A dog that has specialized obedience training will behave well in all circumstances and will respond to instructions immediately without hesitation. They will be devoted followers and bring joy to your household.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Naturally Dogs Want A Pack Leader

Consistency is most important in letting the dog know what pleases and displeases you. Everyone that lives with the dog must be consistent. We want the dog to know exactly what is expected without any confusion.

In the wild dogs lived in packs, they are pack animals. Their strongest drive is to follow, or please their pack leader. This is how dogs were domesticated in the first place. A dog should perceive its owner as the pack leader; the strongest drive is to please its owner.

Naturally, dogs want to establish a pecking order within the pack. In a home situation, dogs need only to understand that they are at the bottom of the pecking order for all humans they live with. This is why it is important that everyone who lives with the dog be involved with maintaining the consistency.

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Friday, 4 October 2013

Fast and Effortless Tips to Effectively Train A New K9 Dog

Owning a canine could be extraordinarily fun, yet it can additionally take a considerable amount of patience. It takes time, vigor, steadiness, and understanding when training that new canine, yet don't let that stop you. The profits of owning a well behaved puppy immensely dwarf having an obviously undomesticated monster staring you in the face, or not having any canine whatsoever. When the owner has the ability to give the pooch the training it should be a fun time as well as working time. Here are a few tips that will prove to be useful when looking to effectively prepare that new K9 puppy.

The predominant tip is to stick to it, be solid, consistent, and patient. Pooches don't speak English. This may appear to be undeniable; however it is worth saying as many people do not grasp what it implies. All words must be taught to a dog. Verbal charges, tones of voice, are understood faster than words themselves. Many people start saying “NO” to their puppies right from the day they bring it home. Bonding is really the best first step, avoiding negative and focusing on positive. Praising your pooch as it is doing what you like. Replacing things that you do not what them to chew on with things you do, praising not punishing. Make sure to focus on the movement. 

Another tip, be very choosy with the toys you give your puppy right from the start. This will help them to recognize between toys and things you do not what them to chew. This should be obvious, yet many people will give their new puppies an old shoe to chew on. Probably the worst toy you can give a dog, you don’t want your dog to think it's okay to chew on shoes, so why give it a shoe? Any toy that is made of materials that you don’t want your dog to chew on in the long run should be avoided. Many dog toys are made from the same plastics as household items, that can be confusing to dogs as well. Tennis balls, rawhide chews, and dog toys that are different than anything else around the house make the best toys.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Dogs and Humans

Dogs are Man’s Best Friend; they are loyal and stick by you no matter what. Dogs and humans have been living side-by-side for thousands of years, so you might think we know each other pretty well. Some humans have bonded better with dogs than with humans. The simple reason for this great relationship is the unconditional loyalty, love, affection, and security they provide. Dogs not only provide a sense of warmth and security, but also bring in a lot of joy to a home. From keeping you busy, to sharing your ups and downs without complaining. Comfortable listening to you, dogs are the best companion a human could ever have. Dogs’ faithfulness never changes or gets affected by your age, gender, or physical structure. So, if you are seeking a sympathetic friend, you may need to look no further than your dog. There’s more to dogs than fetching and playing dead, it is very easy to see how they have become man’s best friend.